Honey...I'm home!

Hello my lovelies!!

Ok, I know it has been an age since I have blogged! So.... I am writing this post to say how very very sorry I am to you my lovely followers for doing a Harry Houdini & going M.I.A.

Some of ye know the ins & outs of details & I know there is no proper excuse for my tardiness especially when you all took the time to follow me & support my blog but there has been some health issues with someone close to me & I haven't had the heart to blog when that has been going on. I want to take the chance to say "Thank You" from the bottom of my heart to you all but especially to the few fellow bloggers that have been there for me through all of the crap & have kept me smiling. It has made me so so very glad I am part of the blogging community as you have been so amazing!

So, there will be a few blog posts coming up in the next few days like my review on the brilliant Dublin Lingerie Company's website (which I am mega excited about!) and getting back into the swing of blogging.Thanks again for being so patient & sticking by me & HUGE love to you all for following this little blog! It means so much more than ye could ever know!

Chat to you soon lovelies,
Take Care
Sarah xx


  1. Ah you're great look forward to your posts:)

  2. Ah Sarah, sorry to hear you've had a rough time, hope things have improved now and it's good to see you back xxx

  3. AW I look forward to your posts! i know what you mean - it takes it out of you and you need to focus on your self for a while! Hope all it well now xx

  4. Ah I love the top picture! Made me smile :)
    Hope everything picks up though, you deserve lots of happiness xx

  5. Can't wait for your new posts! Xxx

  6. Your pics look adorable! Welcome backkkkkkkkkk xx

  7. Glad you're back! :) Looking forward to your upcoming posts



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